Raw Sugar

We procure premium quality raw sugar from reputable sources in Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, and Kenya, ensuring the highest standards of purity and flavor.

Raw Tea

Our collection of raw tea hails from the lush tea gardens of Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, and Kenya. These teas are known for their exceptional aroma and flavor profiles


We offer a wide variety of rice from India and Pakistan, known for their superior quality and versatility in culinary applications.

Vegetable Crude Oil

Our selection includes popular cooking oils such as sunflower oil and corn oil, along with rich and creamy butter, essential for cooking enthusiasts and food industry professionals.

Retail Packed Products

In addition to bulk quantities, we provide retail-packed products, including tea, rice, sugar, and ghee, catering to the needs of both consumers and small-scale businesses.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.